Geti ishte mysafir n`expres ku ai e promovoi klipin N`Prishtine.
Ai me kete Kenge paraqitet Solo e jo me anetaret e BaBastars e as madje me Agonin.
Klipi eshte xhiruar ne Prishtine.
Sa i perket akuzave se ai eka vjedhur kenegen e serbes ai kete eshpjegon se ai semple mund te perdoret kudo nga gjdokush e nuk eshte serbisht e as ilegal!!
Por ky semple eshte ne kengen e serbes qysh 2010 e nese deshiron te jesh aktual Or Genti do te duhej te punosh ne semple origjinale e jo te vjedhura.
Kopje eshte Kopje!
Vjedhja eshte vjedhje.
Getty was guest n `Express where he promoted the clip N` Pristina.
It with this song appears Solo not BaBastars members or even with his friend Agon.
The clip is filmed in Pristina.
Regarding allegations that he eka kenegen stolen flip it this Semple eshpjegon he can use anywhere from gjdokush is not Serbian or illegal!!
But that Semple is flip song since 2010 if it wants to be present Or Salim would have to work in the original Semple and not stolen.
Copy is a copy!
Theft is theft